Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about the Riley program, we strongly encourage you to give us a call. Speaking with one of our staff members is the best way to ensure your question is answered thoroughly and correctly. Much of the Riley experience is individualized, so the answers to many questions are specific to your family.

We know that you’re busy, and may be browsing this at a time when it’s not convenient to call, so below are some of our most frequently asked questions about the Riley School program.

  • At Riley, education is a process rather than a product. It is a journey rather than a destination.

    For many schools, grades act as an important feedback tool. Grades are perceived as a way for teachers to get an immediate sense of a child’s understanding of a given concept, provide a standard basis for ranking, and - in many cases - are determining factors in the kind of funding a school gets.

    At Riley, our faculty know each child at a level uncommon in many schools. The nature of our intentionally-small community and the individualized programming we offer means that our teacher have direct insight into each child’s interests and current capabilities. Riley’s small classes ensure that our faculty have the time to work one-on-one with each child regularly, and to observe and engage students in a manner that demonstrates each child’s grasp of a given concept.

    Put simply, Riley educator understand a child’s capabilities, motivation, or interests through a deep understanding of and experience with each student..

  • While most parts of the Riley School program include self-paced, self-determined learning opportunities, your child’s time at Riley is thoughtfully planned. At Riley we believe children learn best by exploring. Our faculty's job is more than just sharing knowledge - it’s about giving children the space to learn in a way and time that will work for them. Each child’s Riley experience is unique to them, and our program supports each individual in the moment requires both planning and adaptability to respond to each student's needs.

  • In an effort to mitigate the impact of rising costs, variable tuition is a model that enables the school to more effectively take into account each family's individual financial circumstances when determining tuition fees. Rather than adhering to a fixed tuition rate, variable tuition allows families to pay tuition based on their ability to contribute, taking into consideration factors such as income, family size, and extenuating financial circumstances. By implementing variable tuition, we aim to make Riley more inclusive and equitable, ensuring that families from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds can participate fully in our educational community.

    To determine your family's variable tuition rate the school’s Tuition Committee will evaluate the financial information provided by each family in a confidential and secure manner. We understand that discussing finances can be sensitive, and we want to assure you that all information provided will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and respect for your privacy.

    After taking all financial information into consideration, the school will provide each family opting into the variable tuition program with an individualized tuition rate.

    If you’re interested in learning more about affording a Riley education we encourage you to call us, or send an email to .

  • Twice a year you will receive a “Profile of a Learner” that discusses what your child has been doing in school as well as what they have achieved.

    Every child learns at their own pace. There will be many opportunities for you to be on campus to see your child’s school work. You are welcome on campus at any time and encouraged to schedule time with your child’s facilitators to discuss any aspect of your child’s learning experience.

  • Every child learns at their own pace. While Riley does not believe that specific milestones must be reached by a certain age, we do understand that a self-paced learning environment can cause angst in today’s hyper-competitive environment.

    Twice a year you will receive your child’s “Profile of a Learner” which offers a level of insight into your child’s progress that goes beyond what traditional grades can offer.

    Other great ways to view your child’s progress are to join us on campus or reach out to your child’s facilitators with specific questions.

  • While play is an important part of our program, it’s not all of it. All of our program - including play - is carefully considered and appropriately balanced with instruction.

    Yes, your child will play more than they do in traditional learning environments. Play is one of the most important ways that children learn, and is an effective tool used to convey concepts.

    Riley graduates go on to be successful learners because the Riley program encourages social and emotional growth as well as educational vigor.

  • The nature of Riley’s small and individualized learning program means that we are able to accommodate many different learning styles and differences, but Riley does not currently provide any special education or occupational therapy options.